April 2012:
15: Saturn at opposition
18: Mercury at its greatest western elongation
22: Mercury passes 2.1 degrees from Uranus
22: Lyrids meteor shower peak
23-29: Astronomy Week
28: Astronomy Day
May 2012:
4: Space Day
5: Eta Aquarids meteor shower peak
20: Annular solar eclipse (visible in the western United States)
22: Mercury passes 0.4 degrees from Jupiter
June 2012:
1: Mercury passes 0.1 degrees from Venus
4: Partial lunar eclipse (visible in the United States at moonset)
5: Transit of Venus across the sun (partly visible in the United States at sunset)
17: Moon occults Jupiter
21: Summer solstice, 11:11 UT (7:11 p.m. EDT)
29: Pluto at opposition
July 2012:
1: Mercury at its greatest eastern elongation
5: Earth at aphelion
15: Moon occults Jupiter
20: Moon occults Mercury
27: Dawn leaves asteroid Vesta for Ceres
August 2012:
6: Mars Science Laboratory (MLS) landing
6: Southern Iota Aquarids meteor shower peak
11: Moon occults Jupiter
12: Perseids meteor shower peak
13: Moon occults Venus
15: Venus at its greatest western elongation
16: Mercury at its greatest western elongation
17: Mars passes 2.9 degrees from Saturn
24: Neptune at opposition
Other Local Earthly Events:
Apr. 12: Sidewalk Astronomy at the UNH Observatory
July 29 - Aug. 3: Gordon Research Conference on radiation chemistry, Andover, NH
July 30 - Aug. 3: Black Hole Feedback workshop, Hanover, NH