There exists another solar system similar to ours: Epsilon Eridani. It is located about ten light-years away in the constellation of Eridanus, or the River. Observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope, which measures infrared radiation, have shown that this system contains two asteroid belts, a ring of comets, and possible planets. One of the planets in this system was officially identified in 2000, via the radial velocity method of detection, meaning that scientists observed the way in which the planet pulls on the host star, causing it to wobble slightly.
The inner asteroid belt is located about three astronomical units from the host star, comparable to the location our own solar system's asteroid belt. The second belt is about twenty astronomical units from the star, which is about where Uranus orbits in our solar system. The ring of comets is thirty-five to ninety astronomical units away from the star, similar to our Kuiper Belt.
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